Sudip Mazumdar

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This AI-gaming layer 3 startup is on a mission to redefine the web3 gaming landscape

Long Do, CEO of Anomaly, is on a mission to revolutionize the Web3 gaming space. Anomaly is at the forefront of a gaming revolution that seamlessly integrates the vast potential of blockchain technology with the boundless capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI).


Meet the CEO Simplifying Crypto for Everyone

Markuss Jonans was frustrated when he first started investing in crypto. He grew more andmore disheartened with every tedious on-boarding process for the multiple exchanges, wallets,and tools he wanted to use. Investing in crypto was harder than it needed to be so he set out to fix that.


This 3D Printing Technology Will Power the Global Cultivated Meat Market

Steakholder Foods (NASDAQ: STKH) is developing industry leading capabilities that are positioned to serve as the backbone of the growing cultivated meat ecosystem


How a Doctor Began a Wellness Company Focused On Healthier, Hydrated Air

Dr. Hyung Joo Kim founded Carepod which continues to advocate for healthier living through clean, hydrated air


This Entrepreneur Seeks To Revolutionize the Field Of Civil Protection Equipment

In a world that is increasingly dangerous, Moshe Oz's Ardix is helping to keep people safe


This CEO Explains What Corporate America Will Look Like In the Metaverse

Dorian Banks explains what Looking Glass Labs really does and how it will affect the future of corporate America

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