
Business News

Costco Is Partnering With a Major Automaker to Sell EVs at a Discount: 'Really Bullish'

Costco members have exclusive discounts on the Chevrolet Equinox, Chevrolet Blazer, and Cadillac Lyriq electric vehicles through July.

Business News

Cadillac's $300,000 Electric Car Is Already Sold Out Until 2025

The Celestiq will be hand-crafted to meet its owner's individual needs.


Cadillac Drives Home Its Brand Identity: "We Are Pioneers"

"We have always been dreamers. We've been a symbol of the future, a standard, a star."


Standing Out: Ensuring A Stellar Customer Experience Is Key For Brands

Smart customers will also judge your brand and your products based on the experience they receive.


BOOK by Cadillac Is Testing Market Appetite For Vehicle-As-A-Service Model

With a finger on the consumer pulse, Cadillac is testing a first-of-its kind luxury vehicle subscription service- BOOK by Cadillac in the US market.


Onward And Upward: Cadillac Middle East Regional Sales And Marketing Manager Nadim Ghrayeb

Cadillac is undergoing a transformation in terms of its image and messaging- and Ghrayeb wants to show that the brand is living and breathing what it stands for.


Setting Standards: The Penalty of Leadership

In 1915, when competition was seen to be shaking up Cadillac's numero uno status, the brand responded with an advertisement that remains etched in history.

Business News

Cadillac Disavows Casting Call for 'Neo-Nazi' Character in Brand Ad

The casting notice, circulated on Twitter and Facebook, said an agency was looking for 'any and all real alt-right thinkers/believers.'

Science & Technology

9 Dream Cars for Entrepreneurs

The coolest wheels for business and pleasure.


Entrepreneur Middle East's Achieving Women 2016: Deborah Nicodemus, CEO, Moda Operandi

With jewelry, fine art, and other luxury goods made available on its site, Moda Operandi also has personal stylists for bespoke services to complete the luxury shopping experience.


'Treps Choice: The Reimagined 2015 Cadillac Escalade

The 2015 Cadillac Escalade is made for the tough customer with a preference for really controlling their on-and-off road experience.