Amanda Breen: Page 3

Entrepreneur Staff
Senior Features Writer

Amanda Breen is a senior features writer at She is a graduate of Barnard College and received an MFA in writing at Columbia University, where she was a news fellow for the School of the Arts.

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Latest: Page 3

Side Hustle

This Dad Started a Side Hustle to Save for His Daughter's College Fund — Then It Earned $1 Million and Caught Apple's Attention

In 2015, Greg Kerr, now owner of Alchemy Merch, was working as musician when he noticed a lucrative opportunity.

Recursos Humanos

3 razones por las que los empleados están "renunciando a tu liderazgo" y volviéndose menos productivos, según una experta en desarrollo humano

Heather Walker, científica senior en desarrollo humano en la plataforma de experiencia del empleado Culture Amp, analiza la realidad actual del lugar de trabajo.


3 Reasons Employees Are 'Quitting Your Leadership' and Becoming Less Productive, According to a Senior People Scientist

Heather Walker, senior people scientist at employee experience platform Culture Amp, breaks down the current workplace reality.

Side Hustle

This Insurance Agent Started a Side Hustle Inspired By Nostalgia for His Home State — Now It Earns Nearly $40,000 a Month

After moving to New York City, Danny Trejo started a business to stay in touch with his roots — literally.


El narcisismo puede ayudarte a tener éxito: aquí te mostramos cómo aprovecharlo sin exagerar, según un psicoterapeuta de una prestigiosa universidad

Matt Lundquist, fundador y director clínico de TriBeCa Therapy, analiza los beneficios del narcisismo saludable.

Health & Wellness

This 103-Year-Old Doctor Opened Her Medical Practice Before Women Could Have Bank Accounts — Here Are Her 6 Secrets to a Healthy, Successful Life

Dr. Gladys McGarey started medical school in 1941 and helped pioneer the holistic medicine movement in the U.S.