Life Hacks - Page 10

A good life hack makes everything better. Whether you're looking to boost your creativity and productivity, or just want to simplify your day, find ways to make it all easier here.


10 Tips to Protect Your Device From Hackers While Traveling

Here are some helpful tips to protect your device from getting hacked at airports.


Embrace the Art of Saying No: 4 Tips for Setting Healthy Boundaries

Enforcing your own boundaries can be hard, but it's so important to master this skill. If you practice these four steps, you'll find it doesn't have to be so difficult.

Growing a Business

How Growth Hacking Will Lead to Rapid Business Expansion

No longer a buzzword, growth hacking is a vital strategy for business success.

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5 Ways to Sidestep Discouragement and Stay on Track

It's rare that we pursue big goals without temporary setbacks and momentary feelings of failure. These five practices prevent us from getting discouraged and throwing in the towel early.

Thought Leaders

5 Lessons Learned From a Female Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint — you must have a willingness to learn.

Life Hacks

3 Brain Hacks For When You Can't Focus at Work

If you think pushing yourself harder is the answer, think again.


Is it Possible to Heal Yourself When the World Is Falling Apart? These 4 Life Habits Can Help

What we can accomplish is unbelievable if we all do small things to change the narrative.


Why Successful People Engage in These 7 Types of Hobbies

If you want to be more successful, consider how you're spending your time. Successful people have a lot of similarities in how they spend their time and what they enjoy doing.


Body Language Is Powerful — Make Any of These 4 Mistakes, and You're Silently Sabotaging Your Interactions

You could be sending the wrong message without realizing it — here's how to stop.


Too Many Responsibilities? This Simple Life Hack Will Help You Reclaim Your Life

Use this simple strategy to audit your responsibilities, hobbies and relationships in order to figure out what holds you back.


3 Common Mistakes That Are Destroying Your Productivity

Learn how you can optimize your mental performance for productivity by avoiding these three common mistakes.


Introverts Who Use This Secret Weapon Can Be More Powerful Than Extroverts in the Workplace

Less extroverted colleagues are often misunderstood and underestimated — but their talent for one thing in particular sets them up for success.

Life Hacks

10 Ways to Handle Repetitive Tasks So You Can Focus on More Creative Work

Tired of getting stuck on repetitive grunt work? Outsource tasks like data entry, paperwork and administrative duties.

Business News

'I Got Rid of My Desk': And 11 Other Weird Productivity Hacks That Are Oddly Effective.

On the latest episode of the Side Hustle Show podcast, top entrepreneurs weigh in on the offbeat tricks and helpful tools they use to get stuff done.