Culture - Page 8

Ready for the new normal? Find out how to cultivate a strong company culture, whether you're in-person, hybrid or remote, here.


Chef Says This Is the No. 1 Thing That Makes a Restaurant Successful or Not

Chef, coach and entrepreneur Christian Fischer reveals the vital ingredient for restaurant success.

Business Culture

6 Ways I've Achieved a Healthy Work-Life Balance as a Business Owner

Don't neglect your health and well-being when you are an entrepreneur.

Growing a Business

The Little Coffee Shop That Asks Customers Not to Be Quiet

At Nirvana Soul, creative decor and friendly staffers aim to help the community take their coffee with a spoonful of connection.

Starting a Business

Does Your Brand Look too Corporate, or Dated? See How These Brands Leveled Up Their Design.

We live in a time when brands are more visible and visual than ever. Here, six founders explain how they created brand design that stands out.

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Employee Morale Is More Than Pep Talks and High Fives — Here's How You Can Really Capture the Power of Team Spirit.

Amazing things can happen when a team clicks — when they're all on the same page and working seamlessly together. Try these three strategies to ensure your team spirit is at its peak.

Starting a Business

Get Over Imposter Syndrome and These 4 Other Hurdles of Being a New Entrepreneur With Help from Netflix's Co-Founder

Netflix co-founder breaks down five questions that most new entrepreneurs have and what you need to ask yourself to jump through the first stages of creating your own business.


Are the Days of Good Customer Service Over? These 7 Hacks Can Bring it to Life at Your Company

Blow away the competition by using customer service and customer experience to make your company stand out, and to build true customer engagement and loyalty — while inspiring your employees as well.

Starting a Business

These Four Words Can Change The Way You Approach Every Impossible Task

When a door closes, this is the question that opens a window.


Your Employees Will Leave If You Don't Have Values — Why Organizational Identity is the New Hiring Battlefield

Implementing these three steps will help you craft a compelling identity statement and perform in identity-congruent ways, thus helping you attract talent committed to a common set of ideals and ways of being.

Growing a Business

Want to Scale Up Without Selling Out? Do This First

Solidify your vision and culture to fuel sustainable growth.

Growing a Business

Big Businesses Take Forever to Pay Their Small Suppliers. These Founders Did Something About It: 'Nobody Had Seen Anything Like This'

When their first company failed because major retailers took so long to pay, Stacey Abrams and Lara Hodgson couldn't accept the status quo. So they built NowAccount, a novel solution that lets small businesses get paid right away. Turns out, big businesses love it too.


Asking the Right Questions in These 5 Circumstances Is Crucial to Your Company's Growth

Effective questioning keeps communication lines open, creating new opportunities for growth and establishing a culture of unity.


This Workplace Expert's 'Brainwashing'-Esque Technique Will Help You Get the Raise You Deserve

TEDx speaker and executive coach Henna Pryor reveals how to talk your way into the salary and role you desire.


3 Ways Women Empower Other Women (and 3 Ways They Don't)

It takes minimal effort to empower others and takes away from efforts when you block the path. When everyone plays a part in uplifting others, it shifts perspectives and pushes everyone forward together.

Growing a Business

How The Nourish Spot Is Building a Legacy of Healthy Eating and Community Connection

The Nourish Spot's Dawn Kelly discusses her entrepreneurial journey, details her family's legacy of courage, and building community through social media.