
Growing a Business

6 Effective Strategies to Secure Funding

Use these six proven strategies to secure the funding you need.

News and Trends

Evaluating the Indian Tech Sector Funding Landscape in 2024

The country's startup scene continues to show resilience and growth potential this year, especially the tech startups, attracting $4.1 billion in funding from January to May.

Business News

I Tried the 'Anti-AI App' That Suddenly Drew Half a Million Artists Away From Instagram

Social media app Cara went from a few thousand users to more than 600,000 seemingly overnight.

News and Trends

A realm full of opportunity and test

Among the countries considered to be hotbeds for startups, India consistently makes the top ten; much of it has to do with the policy-making and cultural shifts the country has gone through to advertise itself as startup-friendly.

Starting a Business

Is Now a Good Time to Start a Business? Here Are 5 Factors You Need to Consider.

Starting a small business always feels like a gamble, even in strong economic conditions. With so much uncertainty, is now the right time to start a business?


Un nuevo informe sugiere que los inversores están centrando su atención en startups de salud y biotecnología

Este año se perfila como el primero en el que las startups de biotecnología y atención médica reciben la mayoría de series A, específicamente en el mercado estadounidense.

News and Trends

AI is Here to Cut Costs, Not to Replace Manpower: Ankush Sabharwal

In December 2022, OpenAI's ChatGPT went public and to date stands as a pinnacle of the AI revolution. But Sabharwal brought in India's answer to the existing Generative AI/Large Language- BharatGPT


15 fundadores inmigrantes para destacar en 2024

Los fundadores inmigrantes aportan una perspectiva global a los problemas locales, promoviendo así un enfoque fresco y disruptivo en sus industrias respectivas. Estos son 15 fundadores inmigrantes que están generando empleo y además ponen el nombre de su región en alto.

News and Trends

Startup Employees Express Unease About Job Security: CIEL HR Report

The report highlights the significant challenges faced by the startup ecosystem in early-stage funding


A cocktail of artsy and gutsy

Entrepreneurial and artistic since a young age, Aparajita founded the Saat Saath Arts Foundation in 2010, a non-profit meant to curate a platform that allows creative dialogue between Indian artists and the international art world.

Business Culture

Sweat Equity Deserves Kudos — How to Create Recognition Programs That Acknowledge the Hard Work of Startup Founders

Recognizing founders' sweat equity with tailored, responsive programs boosts morale and loyalty while driving startup success by nurturing a culture of appreciation.

News and Trends

Innovation Meets Tradition To Shape India's Agricultural Future

Technology has made headways into the agri sector and the country has been nothing short of innovations and new ideas trying to unlock new methods of food production to meet its growing needs and a burgeoning population.

Science & Technology

PR Guide for AI Startups — How to Dodge Pitfalls and Shine in a Crowded Market

Here are five common PR mistakes AI startups must avoid.

Growth Strategies

Unicorns Vs. Zebras: Rethinking What Counts For Entrepreneurial Success In The MENA Region

Unlike unicorns, which prioritize rapid growth and sky-high valuations, zebras focus on sustainability, profitability, and social impact.


DeepL, la startup de IA que desafió a Google Translate, alcanza $2,000 millones de dólares de valoración tras recaudar $300 millones en nueva ronda

El 'unicornio' alemán DeepL se ha convertido en un símbolo del emprendimientotras al haberse enfrentado al traductor de Google con innovaciones pioneras en IA lingüística.