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Business News

How to Use Your Calendar for Travel

There are many benefits to traveling, such as: Travel may reduce heart disease risk, according to research. One of the most significant benefits of traveling is stress relief. Even a...

Business News

CEOs and AI: How to Navigate Conflict

Conflict is inevitable when people work together. The challenge is especially difficult for management teams. It is our responsibility as leaders to resolve conflict in a fair, productive manner. Without...

Business News

The Future of Calendar Technology and Its Potential Impacts

It's no secret that as calendar technology has developed over the years, it has profoundly affected our lives. More specifically, in the digital age, calendars have evolved from being merely...


What Are Summer Office Hours and Should You Take Part of Them? Here's Why And Why Not.

Summer hours are a great way to give time back to your employees, however, there are pros and cons.

Business News

What Are Summer Office Hours and Should You Offer Them to Employees?

In an effort to attract and retain workers, employers offer nontraditional perks across various industries. It is not uncommon for companies to implement summer office hours, such as Fridays off...

Business News

12 Leadership Skills That Will Kill Your Company

Businesses are fragile. In fact, only 25% of new businesses survive 15 years. Why do small businesses fail? There are many reasons that a company might fail, including a lack...