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Business News

Is Planning Your Life a Year in Advance the Key to Time Management?

While it's not quite the end of the year, next year's calendar begins to fill up. A lot is going on between weddings and other family celebration requests to “save...

Business News

Entrepreneurs Seem to Be Naturally More Productive

Being an entrepreneur isn't for the faint of heart. While it's true that there's some luck involved, not only do you need a big idea, you also have to have...

Business News

How I've Relearned About Life Balance By Taking a Self-Improvement Course

One of the pinnacles of self-improvement is trying to balance all of our commitments. We're all incredibly busy and with only a certain amount of time on our hands each...

Business News

5 Best Team Management Apps

In today's fast-paced workplace, communication is essential. Helpful collaboration software — like team management apps — makes it simple. Since workflows with multiple steps and components are passed around to...

Business News

8 Tools that are a Must for LinkedIn Automation

When it comes to social media platforms, LinkedIn might come across as Facebook's older, more responsible, and infinitely more boring sibling. When it comes to functionality, however, it is an...

Business News

For The Win: Gamification in the Workplace

Gamification became more common in 2010 when it became more specifically associated with the integrating of social/reward elements of games into software. Since then, businesses have been developing gamification platforms,...